Saturday, August 1, 2009

but i think i'll be alright

Today, while i was half-awake waiting for my mum, i was getting this flashbacks of my life. I nearly cried. Some were crazy, happy and awesome flashbacks - majority were. But a few made me wonder. Then it occured to me. That the few flashbacks that i got mainly happened because of the changes that happened to the people who were in it. You see, people use people. Some for their own benefit. Some for the joy in using others. Some because they really need too. Its just plain lethargic and gross. To me that is. I find it hard to believe that i've trusted those kind off people. But i guess, that's all in the past. I have outgrown myself. I am okay now. A year older and a year wiser than before. I look at things differently now from my own perspective and view. I don't judge or critisize others easily and blindly. I make sure i've arranged my words and than i'll put it into an acceptable phrase. At least, i try to make others happy. I am only human. I am prone into making mistakes once in a while. But still, i do think about it at times. How people can just turn your life upside down. And everytime when i try hard to find the answer, the harder it gets to find one. So now, i don't waste my time thinking anymore. It gets me no where. I just move on and sometimes still think about it. I know i will find the answer someday. I'm sure.

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