Friday, August 14, 2009

give up the fight

I was browsing through my cousin, Teha's blog a minute ago. And i saw one of her recent post about the late Yasmin Ahmad and how us, Malaysians absorb her kind of movies and malay movies we, Malaysians usually watch. I am not critisizing. I mean, come on. Who am i to critisize. A fifteen year old who hasn't even taste the saltiness and the sweetness that this life has to offer. So just bear with me and this post. I told you before, i have my own view and perspective on things. I am not pick pointing on anyone. I never pick point. Its my blog and its my views and my way of saying things. The truth won't bite, really.

You see, some Malaysians(majority or minority, i really don't know) at first could never accept movies directed by Yasmin Ahmad. They say her movies are so straight forward and can and might already hurt other people's feelings and her movie is not really what real life is and this and that. If really Malaysians persive it that way, then what about other movies that so calledly are supposed to teach us something at the end of it? When actually those movies are actually encouraging the younger generation to do those things more than discouraging them. I am definitely not talking about all the movies produced by Malaysians. I'm speaking generally and open mindedly. Truthfully, i find it funny and weird when some people can actually accept those kind of movies and not movies that really teach us something.

We always think that we shouldn't follow how people from the west act, dressup, speak and such when it is already happening to us as we speak. I personally think that Malaysians should open their mind into accepting the truth and the cream of the cream of life. In other words, reality. So why do people act this way. Well i think its because they are afraid or maybe embarassed to admit the fact that whats happening to this world is really true. Some people might take movies like hers in a positive way, some might even hate it. Well, i don't know. And i can never seem to understand. Just open your minds and try accepting the truth about this life. If you think about it thoroughly, it ain't that bad at all actually.

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