Wednesday, August 26, 2009

i'm standing up and enough is enough

My life's great, lovely and fun. That i have to admit. I just need to loosen up a lil and keep my options wide open.
I know life has a lot to offer. I know that. Sometimes, i get too carried away with my thoughts that i end up crying like a pig. Let me remind you, i am paranoid. Sometimes, especially when my mind goes haywire. I know those thoughts are just transitory but i can't help but think about it until i finally get my answer. Sometimes my thoughts can be a vague feeling of sadness because sometimes it's really hard for me to accept changes that has happened in my life. These crazy thoughts usually and mainly are about friends and studies. And i still keep wondering why it dwells around them and nothing else. And that is the great part because once i've reached home, those thoughts vanishes away like a genie hiding back in its teapot.

I have to say, my mind and my heart is totally incompatible. They will never make the same decision when it comes to some issues. Weird but definitely true. I should really follow what kak billa says. I should stop scrutinizing about what people say or things that happen around me. It's better that way. I'm feeling better today. So much better today. Anyway, life's too short to dwell on all that's wrong. I'll just close my eyes and push it all away.

Who knows how to love you without being told.

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