Tuesday, November 24, 2009

vampire, me, wolf and me.

November 24th, a very very very very importante date for me and all twilight lovers. And guess what people, I've bought the tickets ! Woohoooooo ! But it's rated as 18pl, wonder why Finas rated it as and eighteen and above movie. Its not like there are any bad scenes in it. I will never understand the culture in Malaysia anymore. Plain weird, ya know.
But whatever with that. By hook or by crook, I will and I must enter the cinemas to watch them. I'm going nuts. Been watching E! Like a lot a lot lately. Just hope, I won't get caught screeming all the way through out the movie, haha.
Mama's dying to watch it too. She even took the day off to watch it with moi. Thanks ma. So, will update soon.
Oh, and I'm watching the first show. Not to brag, I'm just over excited. Haha.

CAN'T WAIT !!!!! :)


Nurul Fateha Hj. Mustaza said...

no lah... kat melaka pg 13....

Farah Nadhirah K. said...

Dalam web pun pg13. Gardens rate 18pl pulak
Ntah pape.