Sunday, February 28, 2010

Note to self #1 Take things positively.

You know the feeling when you're in a midst of a problem, you just feel like there's gonna be no tomorrow and like there's just no end to these problems when actually you're only involved in this one small problem ? I used to feel that way a lot. I feel like my whole world has come crashing down on me and I'll just cry all night long pouring all my sadness into a big pail. Its good you know, to cry, to let your heart out. But then in this life, everything has a limit. The sky is the limit. So at a certain point you would need to stop and move on with your life. Sometimes you even feel like nobody understands you cause they're telling you to relax and calm down and stuff. We should actually listen to other people's advise and try to sober down.

At first when I myself am caught in troubles like this, I always feel like lifes just so troublesome and complicated. Is life really like that ?

Well to me, now that is. I've come to terms with lifes troubles, issues and dramas. Think of it on the brighter side. Everyone has problems. And some might face even bigger problems than these that I'm facing. And that everyone feels the way you feel but how can they be so calm and go all coolios about it ? If they can do it, so can I, right ?

Life is filled with beautiful and such amazing colors.

You should look real deep and think about what you really want in life. People come people go. Troubles come and they'll just fade away sooner or later. All I'm saying is life has just way too much too offer. Look thoroughly. Look into the mirror and see your own flaws before asking others to change. Just enjoy life.

You'll be surprised.
Kbye :)

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