Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Words won't bring me down.

I feel so relieved and happy and most of all I feel content cause I don't have to study no more for a couple of weeks. Life's been great. Dealing and coping with unfortunate events that come and go once in a while. But, speaking about life, I think exam week really did change me, A LOT. I am now so engrossed in trying to succeed in life but hey, that's a good thing right, so for that I am blessed. 

So many things have happened lately and I can tell people are starting to feel so bored with my rantings about life, life and life. Quite frankly, I myself am bored and just so sick and tired of it in fact. Everything's a mess and Alia's so right, its only the beginning of November yet its so clear that its gonna be one hell of a month. So perhaps, dissociating myself for a period of time seems to sound like the best thing to do. 

Friends, family, what do you know huh ? Sometimes, the ones you count on the most, are the ones that's just gonna hurt you. Doesn't matter if you have a big family what not, things can just go wrong when there are irresponsible people in it. Everything can just flip over in split seconds. Even the ones you don't expect can do things unexpectedly. Even family, yeap even family. Sickening, just sickening. Alhamdulillah I've got Ma, Bah, Along, a few cousins and my closed friends with me. Other than that, may Allah bless you people. 

You know, this post is already a mess cause I keep jumping from one end to another so heck, I'm just gonna write whatever I want. Sometimes, people just don't know the meaning of 'certain' words yet, they just say it outwardly without thinking and they act as if they're all that. As if they know everything about you when they don't. They think they're so right when obviously they are so wrong. They say bad things about a person without even knowing the whole story. They create stories to make others look bad. They misjudge people's good intentions. They make themselves look like they're the hero/heroine. They judge based on the story they've heard only once and automatically, you get into their bad books. They say you're all that whatever shiz like they know everything. They talk about status, and stuff that doesn't even matter. But only, matter to them maybe. They think they are so right when obviously they are so wrong. They get jealous over things. They get hurt so easily. And everything is other people's fault, never theirs. They make up stories. They tell others every single thing that they know and don't know and the other party makes up stories that never even existed. They make false accusations just so that person will look bad and stupid. They even publicise their accusations.

Isn't it a waste of time to live a life filled with hatred in you ? Don't you feel bad with yourself ?  Don't you know you can never judge a book by its cover ?

And it sickens me the most when these issues happens amongst the people that I know. I may be young and you can say, I haven't tasted enough salt to talk about all this. You can even say I'm stupid for saying these. In fact, you can say All you want, I couldn't care less. Because, I know Allah knows it all. And at least, I'm mature enough to see what's right and what's wrong.

Somehow, I'm glad things turned out this way. At least, I got the picture of how unexpected people can be.

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