Tuesday, June 9, 2009


This is what i do when i get bored.

Finally, this is the day where boredom strikes. how awful. but still, it was not that bad, really. had tonnes of chores to do but i had fun doing it. the teevee was switched on since i woke up, up til now. heard that TNB is going to cut our electricity supply for a few hours(five dreadful long hours, maybe) tomorrow. hence, i just have to deal with it, i guess. maybe, just maybe. i will survive. if i don't, somebody take me out. please. that was a joke, do not take it seriously.

i was thinking on getting a part time job, hmm. lets see. ookay i'm crapping, it is NEVER going to happen. not now, i mean. in the future, maybe.

by the way, i've made my up my mind on what i want to do. and truth be told, this is the best decision that i've ever made. i don't think i'll ever regret making this decision. it turned out that what i wanted to do earlier had more cons rather than pros in it. so, after a few good hours of thinking and talking and thinking and shouting here and there, i am not going. yes, i am not going. mama and abah said that they're both quite proud of me for making a good decision. but they didnt like it when i kept shouting and asking them q's and forcing them to give me a's. needless to say, i am quite amazed with myself. because. usually. it will take me months and months to make one small decision or even the tiniest gesture. maybe this will be the first and the last. no, it cant be. there are still too many decisions for me to make in the future.

i have nothing more to say. officially. my post ends here.

- is it just love or lust ?

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