Monday, August 24, 2009

in the end, it doesn't even matter

Holidays have just begun. I must say, it's a good thing. I get to study my butt out. And i get to rejuvenate at the same time. It has been really fun. Mama took a few days off. Spent every moment i had with my family which was fun and really great. Been spending my time studying too. I think i'm gonna post a few random things about me or whatever i can think of right now.

I can be clumsy. But still, i make sure my place or my area is neat at ALL times.
I am picky. Whenever it comes to food and buying clothes.
I can consider myself a shopaholic. When i have money that is.
When i don't, i just window shop. That's more than enough to make my day.
I am short. Surprisingly, i just realised that.
I promise never to do any new year resolutions ever again. I never follow or accomplish them by the end of every year.
I love to read. But i've stopped reading for quite some time now. Look where it got me.
I used to love the color pink so much that everything has to be in pink.
But that was years ago. I go for any color. Which ever that looks good on me.
I always sleep late but i can never seem to wake up late. I'll always wake up early. That explains the eyebags.
I don't give up easily. I am no quitter.
I am addicted to Facebook. Oh well, who cares ?
I am talkative. Very talkative. But i am shy deep within me.
I have ambitions. Too many that i get sick whenever i think about it.
I love rain. Somehow, it completes my day.
I love to write.
I am unstable. I can just wobble and trip or fall while i'm walking.
I love making new friends.
I easily get bored but i always find something beneficial to do.
I find sweet talkers sweet and adorable but i despise them a lot.
I don't really know who to trust in my life. So, i only trust my loved ones(familia).
I don't really mind with what people has got to say about me. I just keep quiet when they do. They have the right to do so anyway.
I don't hold grudges. What good does it even make ?
I think i have changed in some way or another. And i like what i've become.
I am still the ol' sensitive me. But i only get sensitive when i need to.
No one knows me well enough to judge me. No one will. That's simply because i'm hard to read and so much harder to understand. But i am never complicated. Neither am i complex. I just love twisting my words and turning it topsy turvy. haha : )
At the end of everything..

I am who i am no matter what. So for that, no one can change me.



Fateha said...


you go, baby! :DD

keep on rockin! ;p

haha, merepek.

u are who u are. and u know what's good and bad i supposed :)

so, just live ur life [woh oh woh oh - Rihanna] haha :D

ilysm, miss Blake!

Farah Nadhirah K. said...

hahaha. apahal pulak minah nii ?

love you too S :)