Sunday, August 23, 2009

someone special who could it be

There is this someone in my life.
That has always played a big role in my life.
Taught me how to walk, how to talk, good manners.
And everything else.
This someone used to be really strict.
But as the years went by, this someone changed a lot.
This someone is always fair and is always kind.
This someone was always been there for me whenever i needed a shoulder to cry on.
Even when i needed someone to talk to.
Or at any time this someone would always be there.
We would talk about everything.
The world, life even love.
This someone has never abandoned me.
No matter how bad i am.
Even when i am at my worst.
This someone taught me many things.
More than a teacher could offer.
More than anyone could offer.
This someone is my everything.
Nobody can ever replace this someone of mine.
No, this special very special someone of mine.
This special someone is my mother.
Someone who brought me into this world.
Taught me everything i needed to know.
We always argue.
But we will just laugh about it in the end.
And so the story goes..
And i will love her til the end.
Even after the end too.

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