Sunday, October 11, 2009

a secret potion

There are times where I just feel like I just need a bright lucky star. Seriously.

Sometimes everything we want and need(family and friends) are always there with us, but sometimes.. We just tend to feel like some things are meant to be told and spoken to someone else. If you know what I mean. And I wish there was even one lucky star out there that could be trusted or even be kept for real. It takes time to find a true star. And waiting needs patience. If it was meant to be, it was meant to be. If it wasn't then, it wasn't meant to be after all.

I don't really feel like getting out of this house any time soon.

Perhaps, i should be as quiet as possible for a while. I need some time on my own. I need to think properly on the possible steps I want to take for the sake of my future. Significant baby steps.

I hate my phone right now.

It's acting like a psychopath. And it switches on and off all by itself. And it just goes haywire anytime it wants too. And it loves saying "simcard unable to read". And it loves running away from me. And it just won't stop vibrating though no one called me or text me that day.

I envy those who write very well.

I've stopped my reading for a very very long time. And I miss it terribly. And that is also why my vocab is getting pretty bad. But it's okay. I'll read more later.

I secretly wish I could direct a movie.

Where the movie mainly dwells about true life about student these days. That would be fun. And most of all, it won't be the same old chick flick we always watch. Not that I hate chick flicks, I love them really. Haha.

I am quite confused at this moment.

With the stream that I'm going to pick later on. I want two things. I want to learn biology so that means i have to be in science stream cause Growing up, I've always wanted to be a doctor. But, as days go by and I've outgrown myself and looking at people's jobs and everything, I feel like I want to be a broadcast journalist. And it keeps on changing. I can never stick with one that I love the most. Maybe not yet. But time's running out. Before I know it, it'll be December and It's just a month away from a brand new year.

I have this crazy crush on Robert Pattinson.

Ever since I saw him in Harry Potter. And I just can't stop loving him. Let alone think about him. I even want a boyfriend that's just like him. Okay, not true.

I do hope too once in a while.

Okay, not true again. I hope a lot a lot. I hope that my years in high school won't be filled with Dramas. Cause really, I am just so sick and tired of dramas. It's never ending. And I loath dramas. But I cannot deny the fact that being a drama queen is fun. Especially at home.

I have a secret obsession with rain.

I love it when it rains. Please. Do not ask me why. Because, I can never seem to find the answer. I can only say, I just love rain. Especially the sound of rain.And best of all, it's the best weather to sleep in.

And that's just about it.

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