Sunday, October 11, 2009

this feels so like 90210

I can still remember, how I used to look forward into going to school, every single day without fail during my early days of education in high school. Like any other possible pre-teen, it definitely takes a lot of time, encouragement from parents and determination absorbing with the new environment, meeting new friends, studying in a total different environment, mixing around with people, you name it. It was a little different for me though as I studied in a far far away junior high school. And so, when I entered high school, all my friends from my junior high school weren't at all insight. It was kind off like a big dissapointment to me. But I thought, it would be a great experience meeting new friends.

At the beginning of my journey, it definitely wasn't that easy. I think I was trying too hard to fit in that I somehow forgot how it was being the real me. It took me such a long time to finally really make friends with people til I met Syakila and her friends. Which now, are my good and close friends. During the process, it definitely did test me inside and out. I was emotionally under pressure. Mama helped me alot, my cousins too as they were going through the same thing. And so, I guess those experiences, though it weren't all that pretty, it did teach me a lot.

But, i just don't know why. I somehow just find the phrase "I have to go to school today" ain't that catchy anymore. And in someway or another, I feel lethargic. Maybe it's because I'm tired of mindless attitudes in school. Not that i'm pointing fingers at anyone, really I'm not. So, please, please, please DO NOT feel offended. It's just that everyday is packed with drama's and the drama's aren't that cool or fanciful to be watched. It feels like I'm on the 90210 show or maybe Gossip Girl where everyone just doesn't seem to act like themselves. Not that I dont like watching these drama's I love them actually but Life is not like the 90210. Even them, the actors and actresses in it, don't act that way in real life. They're just plain dull and irritating. These drama's i tell you. Cause to me, when these drama's occur it's like these people are just trying to get cheap publicity or in kinder words they're just trying to seek attention. Mind you, high school is not about trying to fit in into the socialite cliques, hanging around with ONLY cool people, mixing around with the popular people. NO. It's not that way. It's about finding the person in you that's dying to get out. And most of all, it's about learning and determining your future.

Yeah I know, I'm only fifteen and I have not eaten enough salt to be talking like I'm a know-it-all. I'm just writting based on experience and based on the good lectures, people have been giving me. I?m not a saint either and I do make mistakes. A lot of them. And I'm not saying being a drama queen isn't fun. Being a drama queen is fun, especially when you're at home. But just don't over do it. There's limitation to everything that we say and do.

Ah well, no matter how much I babble about this, it's still not gonna make a dif unless those people trying making the dif themselves. Be it then.

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