Thursday, December 3, 2009

shadows I made.

- I am not that silly girl you used to talk about anymore.

I'll make this short and simple. 

For starters, I reached Ipoh this afternoon as I am attending a course at my granny's place. And it has only been a few hours since I last saw mama but I've missed her so much already. Call me mama's girl or whatever you wanna say, I just couldn't care less. Cause really, I miss my mum ! I miss my dad ! and I miss my brother ! But okay, being here and given the priviledge to spend time with my grandparents and my dearest cousin, Amirah is just priceless. 

I have to get used to the term 'being able to stand on your own two feet and not to depend on others'. And I am trying to get the hang of being away from home. Frankly speaking I need it, I need this kind of exposure just so that I could be sure that I am able to survive on my own two feet later on in life. 

Life's been way better than great. I am blessed and I am thankful. I couldn't ask for more. And Alhamdulillah, everything seems to be fine around me. I'm taking a step at a time. Small little baby steps. For my sake.

I miss Mama, Abah and Along.

I heart Rob, goodbye.