Friday, February 19, 2010

And we crawl.

 - please, just cut it out.

What's in the past remains in the past. I have no intention, not even a little, to go back into the past and re-do what has been done. Cause, what's done is done. Cause it's just not worth it. All I'm trying to do now, is to just mend the holes. And I'm sincere. Just, stop thinking of the worse that could happen cause seriously, I DO NOT want to repeat the same mistakes again. I'm so tired of being treated like I'm some kind of a pest or something. Mind you, I'm not some kind of a toy you can play around with. Seriously, try to take things positively and stop thinking that the whole world revolves around you. And the world does not depend on you for it to move.

Bored of thinking about this. It's my time now. Not yours. 
So just, give me a break. And grow up ! And what's with the 'kerek'-ness ? I just can't seem to fathom you. You're all so unpredictable and so full of wonders. Mostly weirdness.

Aside all this dilemma, I am so excited. Can't wait for Saturday, teehehee. Really hope, things will go on smoothly and perfectly. 

So again, get a grip of yourself, alright. Best of luck, mate.

With Love.

Robert Pattinson ROCKS my SOCKS !

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