Sunday, February 21, 2010

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Sugar is Sweet, I'm sure You are too.

Saturday went out perfectly. I had the time of my life. Definitely a day I will never EVER forget. Shall remain in my thoughts for as long as I shall live. I hope my friends and cousins that attended this gathering had fun, as much as I did too. And for those who did not make it, it's alright. But I wished you could have been there. We snapped loads and loads of pictures. And just imagine how many cameras were there on that very day, hehe. I'm glad mostly everyone made it. Alhamdulillah syukur, it all went great. I don't know why but blogger seems to not want to upload my pictures. I'll upload them some other time then.

K, moving on.
I'm quite speechless and confused with myself right now. What I feel and what I think surely are not on the same page. And truthfully, I find it hard to believe my instincts right now. How I wish it wasn't this hard. And how I wish words were easily understood and emotions and feeling were easily captured and known to others. How I wish Life was a little easier and much more accommodating. How I wish other people's thoughts were much much easier to fathom. How I wish mood swings were much easier to decipher. How I wish everything flows according to me. 

Too bad, Life is not as easy as that. 

It is not as easy as one, two, three or a, b, c. If it was that easy, I'm sure I wouldn't be cracking my head trying to absorb whatever I learn in school and in Tuition. And I surely won't have these eyebags conquering my eyes. But I guess, going through all this at this age is a blessing in disguise for me. I may not see the wonders it can bring me later in life at this point of time but I'm sure it will benefit me someway, somehow. 

I just hope things will go out fine. I just hope I'll be able to make amends with my broken heart. 

And I just hope I'll be able to stand on my own two feet, bravely and successfully one fine day.

I seal this post with a smile and a big Thank You.

With love,


sharina82 said...

I was there too at the party! hahah (dah tua but young at heart :P )

everything else will be all right. dont you worry.....


Farah Nadhirah K. said...

i guess, things are just not so good right now kak. nanti dira cerita, k:)