Thursday, May 13, 2010

Scattered all around the floor.

I'm stuck with papers, books and pens for the next two weeks.
Superb, I tell you.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Darling, you are the only exception.

Sometimes, when everything seems to be just where its supposed to be, you just feel like jumping around, running around in circles and thanking God for blessing you with all that you have now. Remember when I said before, that life's a bumpy road ? Well, I'm at the part of the road where the road is just smooth and straight and they men that fixes the roads, they have been doing their job by making sure there aren't any bumps or holes in it. Bless those men. 

Things are falling back into place. And studies are starting to get back on track. Especially Add Maths. School's been pretty hectic with truckload of homework and I just can't seem to get the time to complete my homework cause it keeps piling up.

I can't wait for Eclipse and The last Song. Let's just hope, the movies are worth my wait.

But still, I know nothing about the nature of human beings and I've come to a point where I just don't feel like knowing. To hell with trying to understand, life's far too short too worry about unnecessary things. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

To me it happens all the time.

I feel ecstatic. I feel fresh. Hmm, it has been a great weekend. I got the chance to unwind myself. I like that. Okay wait, the word mid term has been ringing in my head for days. And I'm not ready. Just started reading Biology. 

K bye.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Words can't bring me down.

To begin with, mid terms are just a week away. I'm scared but really, I don't see any effort to study my heart out yet. How fast time flies by. Life is seriously and extremely not that easy. But I guess, I'm stable now. In a years time, I'll be facing my trial examinations, my SPM, dealing with textbooks, dealing with college applications. It feels like I was four yesterday. Playing with my plushes and knowing nothing about the world. Gotta move on, I know. But reminscing seems like a nice thing to do today. But great thing about next year, I'll be getting my license. That, I cannot wait. 

Well as for the previous issue in my previous post, I guess I'm just gonna close both eyes and just forgive and forget. I'm upset but I just don't want to pollute my mind with bad thoughts. I know you hate me. Be it. Doesn't matter to me. 

Too lazy to bother about people and the world. Its gonna be about me and books now.