Saturday, May 1, 2010

Words can't bring me down.

To begin with, mid terms are just a week away. I'm scared but really, I don't see any effort to study my heart out yet. How fast time flies by. Life is seriously and extremely not that easy. But I guess, I'm stable now. In a years time, I'll be facing my trial examinations, my SPM, dealing with textbooks, dealing with college applications. It feels like I was four yesterday. Playing with my plushes and knowing nothing about the world. Gotta move on, I know. But reminscing seems like a nice thing to do today. But great thing about next year, I'll be getting my license. That, I cannot wait. 

Well as for the previous issue in my previous post, I guess I'm just gonna close both eyes and just forgive and forget. I'm upset but I just don't want to pollute my mind with bad thoughts. I know you hate me. Be it. Doesn't matter to me. 

Too lazy to bother about people and the world. Its gonna be about me and books now.


zoel said...

dear, what's with all the whining. dun wory, u will do well and we noe it. always think positive and know that lots of people love u

Farah Nadhirah K. said...

last time i'm ever gonna talk about it : )

zoel said...

janji k. no more sdih2 n negative thinking k after this. this is ssooo not cik farah, sorg student yg sentiasa riang dlm kelas english saya yg bosan 2. huahua.

Farah Nadhirah K. said...

hahaha. saya riang ke ? cam tak jee.
ehh mana ada bosan ! you made english so fun okay ?! everyone misses you. especially the guys and us yang duduk kat depan.

zoel said...

riang ria je. sbb 2 cikgu kata this is soooo not u cik farah. miss all of u too