Saturday, July 3, 2010

Unraveling the mystery.

Well I lied. I'm NOT moving anywhere. I'm sticking with blogspot. For now, we shall just keep it that way. School has been pretty hectic over these past few weeks. With truckload of homework, pre-sale, and just all the things that has been happening.

To begin with, I so agree with the statement "life is unfair". Seriously, its so true. You know,  one second you're all up. And poof ! the very next second your whole world comes tumbling like stumbling blocks of lego's or domino's or whatever else. U know the bumpy road ? Well, I used to be at the part where everything's just sooo wobbly and unstable. Now I'm at the part where I'm just taking it all slow and steadily not wanting to repeat the same mistakes I did before.

And when confusion starts to penetrate your thoughts bit by bit, you feel even more restless. And everything will look like it's all going haywire and just wrong. Plain wrong. You feel like crying. You feel like screaming your lungs out. And you feel like nobody understands you cause even you don't understand yourself. You blame yourself for everything that has happened. And sometimes you just feel like giving up and you just feel like raising a white flag is the best resolution to all the misery you're facing.

I've been there, quite a number of times. I mean, I'm sure everyone has had their fair share of hell. I'm not even sure I'm through this phase. I try keeping up a face. Hiding my tangling thoughts. Always trying to laugh at everything when I know I laugh just to please myself for a minute or two. These few weeks though, has taught me so much. And I am by far so thankful for everything that I am blessed with. All the love ma and bah and along has showered me. All the attention I get. All the silly mistakes I always get away with. All the minor things that may just look like it's nothing to others but mean the most to me. 

Ever since I was a child, I always knew everyone would look after me. Not knowing the fact that, as i grow old, I have to grow up and I have to start depending on myself. But, I know one thing for sure, that, whatever shit I get into in life, I will always have my family standing behind me and supporting me through it all. No matter how silly I may look at times, I know they're always there for me. 

These few weeks taught me that, you just have to close one eye and just forget the past, forgive, forget and move on. It's easier said than done, yeah I know. But moving on helps the most. Even friends, the ones that I can always count on. Those are the kind off people worth sticking around with. The ones that will always stand beside you through thick and thin.

And so, writing this entry has made me realize that everything happens for a reason. 
I'm happy now.

1 comment:

sharina82 said...

True. Everything happens for a reason.
A reason that is still a mystery to us.