Friday, July 3, 2009

you are not alone

Carnival Day. Oh yeah, its only two days away. Really do hope it'll be a blast.
School's been really kind to me this few weeks. Alhamdulillah. Everything seems to be flowing smoothly and i am amazed. I just hope it will stay that way. Besides personal problems that i really don't need to to state here, i am perfectly fine. And i must thank the people around me for being so kind and supportive. Thank you.

And out of the blue, i am so into Mj's song. Sorry for being so outdated. But really, he fascinates me. Like really.
He is one of a kind, can't deny that fact. Never will.

Heartbreaks. And having to make bloody decisions. Seriously, you both are my number one enemy. I hate you more than i hate colouring my pre-school colouring books. And to me, it is just pathetic. I hate to make decisions. I am not good in making them. Sometimes, i go through it successfully and well sometimes okay most of the time i dont. And even when the answer is right in front of me, i can never see them. I always depend on other people to tell me whats best for me. I am a slowpoke honestly everytime it comes to this issues. I need a shrink. haha, okay i am exxagerating. Like i always do. If i don't then i am not farah.

Okay now, ill list down a few things that i dislike or hate. Just for keeps sake.
I hate colouring. I hate when i need to make a decision on the clothes i want to buy, the hairstyle i want to do, the food i want to eat, the shoes i want to buy, the colour of my hair band and yes, practically everything about making decision. I hate it when i am out of cash. I hate liars. I hate backstabbers. I hate hypocrites. Cant you just say something and hold on to it for the rest of your life? I dont think thats too much for me to ask. I hate it when i cry just too much because at the end of it, i'll get a bad headache and i tend to be unproductive for the rest of the day. I hate getting a cold, because unexpectedly your snort just comes out of nowhere. And even when you wipe it of, it'll run down again and again and again.

Okay, done. Thats all that i hate for now. But there's many things that i really love. And they're the things that i look for in life. I am loving life right now despite the fact that i have things that i hate. I'll cope. I thank you guys for always being there for me.

- i now know what i want.

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