Saturday, November 21, 2009

As time passes by.

I've realized that friends play a big role in our lives. Apart from our family, friends are always there too. You just have to look at it thoroughly to make them part of your lives. 
So, today was a well-spent day. I had heaps of fun. Snapping 'priceless' photographs with Alia's Slr, lying to Alia about the reason we were loitering around Parade like a mindless and lifeless lunatic(she trusted me all the way, hahahaha), celebrated he early birthday celebration with half-a-cake at Secret Recipe and most of all, camwhoring like a bunch of fifteen year old teenage girls trying to just have fun. So, bear with us okay. It won't kill any of you to do so. But I guess, I screwed my day a little when I just got so sad for no reason. Okay, there is a reason but I don't owe anyone an explanation, so who cares.

And Here Are The Pictures ;

I had fun :)


Anonymous said...

gambar dkt pool, wow the pool looks familiar. where is it eh? - Q

Nurul Fateha Hj. Mustaza said...

i loike the JUMPING shot! :D comelnye dieeeee.... :DD

Anonymous said...

farah, mana u beli the flat u were wearing ? i dah lama cari tp tak jumpa jumpa. oh could u please reply here. thanks ! xxx