Friday, January 8, 2010

you've been gone for far too long

- I thought several times about letting you go. Then I thought again. I just couldn't.

Forgive me for the not-so-very-long hiatus. I have been very busy sorting out my life. Haha. I mean, schedule. And of course, coping with school life and school activities, homework, yeah you name it and I'm doing it. So being busy has been quite good. Keeping my mind from making drastic decisions of such that I might regret later on. 

Even so, my number ONE biggest problem of all times is trying to understand people. Cause day by day, everyone seems to look harder and harder for me to fathom. Sometimes I wonder why anyone should feel envious about another persons' life. I mean come on, you got a life don't you. So go deal with yours and just leave other people alone. As always, ah, whatever with that.

So the biggest event or shall I say the latest news that happened to me was a while ago. A few hours to be precise. I got hit by a car. It was a small accident and I am fine. No injuries, no stitches nothing, Alhamdulillah. But it wasn't my fault really. I was walking back home from school, then this one car driven by a lady, she was about to reverse her car so being the person I always am, I stopped and waited for her to reverse her car to avoid any accidents from happening, if you get what I mean. She reversed her car and she pulled the handbreak. So i waited for a few seconds and wanted to continue my journey back home. So I walked to the side of her car. At that very moment, I was nodding my head just to make sure my shoe laces were tied, and also to make sure I wouldn't trip while walking or anything to that effect. Before I even made it to the side of her car, she reversed her car again and BAAM ! I knocked my head and hand on the back of the car. I was shocked, I could only say, "aaahhhh !". The pain was bearable but still, it was painful. I was lucky, I only got a few small unseen bruises on my hand. She wanted to come out of her car to ask me whether I was okay or not, but I told her politely that I was okay and jus gave her a sweet, pleasant smile. She was worried, at least I think she was. But still, it's her fault. And then i went back home, alone, with a small bruise on my hand. Took some ice from the fridge and placed it on my hand. It felt better, after that. Alhamdulillah, again.

So the lesson to be learned from this whole scene is to always be alert of anything while you're walking. My dad told me that if I did bend down to tie my shoe laces, I could have suffered from terrible injuries. And it could have lead to a freak accident. Thankfully, I am okay now. And that's all that matters.

I heart Rob, farah. 

1 comment:

sharina82 said...

what?? berhati-hati next time...

just buy the lace-free shoes!