Friday, March 26, 2010

Don't tell me I'm the only one that's vulnerable, impossible.

This feeling, this unexplainable feeling. This feeling, this feeling where you have butterflies in your tummy, you smile all the time, you go nuts about things, you laugh over the silliest joke which happens to be not really funny, you feel like the whole world revolves around you, you feel like flying way up high in the sky and you feel like jumping up and down non-stop. You feel happy.

Happy is good. Happy is awesome. Happy is a feeling we deserve to feel. Being happy is not wrong. You decide when you should be happy. You're the dictator. Screw what others say. You still have to absorb advises though. Just throw away all the negative thoughts about you that others are brainwashing others about. Screw them totally. You're a lot more worthy than their filthy words, believe me.

Life's to short to think of what others have to say. What about what we, ourselves have to say about ourselves. We deserve a chance.
 Just like everyone else. 


Nurul Fateha Hj. Mustaza said...

yeah, stop thinking about others' thoughts... think about yours! :D

Farah Nadhirah K. said...

: )

tehaaa, i'm sooo yours. HAHAHA.

Nurul Fateha Hj. Mustaza said...

hahaha. LOL.

weh, sejak bile kau post banyak2 ni? penat nak membacanya. haha