Thursday, October 7, 2010

So sad, so sad, its a sad sad situation.

There's this phase in life where nothing goes right. Even the smallest issue becomes a big of a deal. This is the changing phase. It's normal for us to find it really hard to accept the changes occuring around us. And in time, we change too. I have gone through quite a number of situations these past sixteen years. It wasn't all that easy. As a matter of fact, there were just too many incidents that kept on happening. But, I've learned so much. And everything that has happened, I made into life lessons for me to ponder on when I'm at my worst. I think I survived. No bruises, no cuts, no marks anywhere. Just maybe, a few black dots in my heart. 

Sometimes, we may want people to change. We so badly want them to change, we might think its for the best, but it's not cause the changes that happen, just hurt us in the end. 

I express my feelings a lot lately. I used to be the girl that bottles up her feelings and emotions and just bury them deep down in me. When truly I feel so tangled up inside. Well, that was before I found out, I had people that I could trust, all around me. I was once, sickly irritated with life. I was so engrossed in trying to fit in, I let go of my life principals and turned into someone I was not. After that phase, I turned into someone that pities everyone. I allowed sympathy and my emotions over rule my judgments, when that should've been the last thing on earth that I should do. 

Well now, I've gotten my lesson. I'll enjoy my life the way I want it to be. Not the way others want it to look like or want it to be. I'm the creator and editor of my own life. After all that I've been through, I think I deserve some credit to try to be happy. 

And now, I am what I am - a happy kid that knows nothing about the nature of humans. And yeah, believe it or not, I'm still learning.

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