Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tell me where's our inspiration, if life won't wait, I guess it's up to me.

Exams are like what ? A month away and MY GOD, I am so not ready. Ya Allah, just please give me the strength to go through this selfish life peacefully and patiently. Amin. Sometimes, I just wonder. How much longer will I be able to resist all these downfall and bashing people up and these never-ending dramas. People are selfish, no doubt.

I have to take my studies seriously. I have to start considering about my future. To start looking at it in a much more serious view and to stop goofing around. I'm growing older day by day, I'm not getting any younger. So things has got to change after this. I don't even know which carrier path I'd like to be in, later on. I just wish, making a simple decision about this issue would be much more simple. I am a very indecisive person whenever it comes to decision making. I fail miserably at making decisions. 

Since its Ramadhan now, I get very tired easily. I sleep in school everyday. The teachers must be real tired too, I suppose. Figures why they seldom teach and only give us truckload of homework. I must also learn to stop complaining about life being so selfish and unthoughtful. I should also not procrastinate. I should also stop making drastic decisions. 

I wanna enjoy my last year in High School. Somebody please, tell me how on Earth do I loosen up ?


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